Many people don't know this about me: several years ago, I made the decision to stop having any relationship with my parents. A year later, I started writing blogs about my estrangement from them. Very little has changed since I wrote these words. If anything, I’ve only felt more at peace in my soul. Of course, no action comes without its pros and cons, but there hasn’t ever been a day where I’ve regretted my decision.

Ever since I started speaking openly about my experiences, people have reached out to me because they are struggling with similar issues. So I've pulled together some of my stories, insights and resources for others who are feeling the effects of narcissistic abuse and/or are considering the prospect of estranging from family.

I want to offer these resources and writings to you - with no strings.
Just enter your email below and you'll
automatically receive emails over the next few weeks that will offer you some perspective and hopefully a little bit of the support you're looking for.

**NOTE: I am not a mental health provider, but these writings and resources are meant to help open the door for you to find whatever form of support is right for you.


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